Sama Rao family

Magicians, sorcerers and sorcerer’s apprentices

We like to call ourselves family because what binds us goes beyond friendship, beyond professional commitment and beyond mutual esteem. We are a medicine family, together we heal ourselves and others in a continuous path of growth that concerns us all personally.

The Sama Rao family was born from the meeting of different paths of growth: Eduard and Simona have brought their Amazonian knowledge and over time many enthusiastic researchers have joined the journey.

The tale of Sama Rao

Our adventure is similar to that of the curanderos of the whole world, of all times and of every tradition: we had to learn the art of healing to be able to heal ourselves and, once healed, we felt the call to help others do the same.

Eduard and Simona met in their mature years, when both had already walked different paths of spiritual research including meditation, dzogchen, gnosticism and yoga.

They lived in the forest in close contact with the family of their Masters for several years and, only when they received their blessing, they decided to return to civilization to offer the world what we had learned.

Here their streets merged with those of Shankara and his partner Sambuddha, old friends who immediately felt in tune with plant medicine. From this synergy has been born a beautiful reality that is giving tangible results: since 2022 Sama Rao organizes personal growth retreats that have already benefited dozens of people.

In 2024 was also born Sammasati APS, the association of social promotion that officializes our mission in the world, which is to offer a space of welcome in unspoiled nature, to allow reincontro with themselves.

famiglia Sama Rao 2

What we believe

Matter is Spirit and Spirit is matter

The separation of spirit and matter is an invention of modernity, there is nothing more misleading. Matter and spirit influence each other and are only two different levels of manifestation of the same substance: energy.

Plants are a privileged way to the spiritual world

The world of plants is very close to us, which is why it is a privileged gateway to the spiritual realms, which otherwise can be very difficult to understand and reach, especially for a while structured like the Western one.

Every human being has the right to be happy

Our society has almost got us used to be sick. The disease has become a normal thing, but the normal condition of the human being is health. Human being have the right to be well, both physically and psychologically.

Truth is one, and all spiritual paths tell the truth

The path to happiness coincides with the path to spiritual liberation: a spiritually realized man is healthy, free and happy. Each spiritual tradition tells its recipe for reaching this state: only the words are different, the sense is common.
The important thing is that everyone chooses the language that speaks to his heart.

famiglia Sama Rao 2
Eduard - vegetalist, crum schamanic, massage energetic

Metsa Kea – Eduard

I was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1971, and from the age of eighteen I became interested in meditation and esoteric traditions.

I have practiced meditation for over twenty years and studied various esoteric traditions, but nothing has fascinated me more than the practices of the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon. In 2012 I began my journey in this tradition and since 2014 I have been travelling to Peru with my shaman teachers.

However, with the awakening in me of the ancient memory, a knowledge emerged that I did not know I had and that I never studied anywhere: the shamanism of the Tuva region of Mongolia.

The encounter with the shamanic drum opened in me the healing song and connection with this wonderful practice, which today I am honored to offer to the world.

In 2023 I took a professional course of classic massage, which today I offer by integrating it with the shamanic sensitivity to always offer new care tools.

I also have two degrees, one in plant biology and chemistry and one in computer engineering and have worked for over twenty years as a computer engineer and project leader in the field of computer science.


Eduard - vegetalist, crum schamanic, massage energetic
Simona Adriani - vegetalist, qi-gong teacher, singer
Simona Adriani - vegetalista, gi gong teacher, singer

Netem Viri – Simona

I was born in Rome in 1974 and I started to seriously walk my path of awakening in 2004. For years I fought against my inner demons (depression, insomnia, distrust of myself) and it was thanks to the encounter with traditional Amazonian medicine in 2014 that I could wave the flag of victory.

In the middle of the battle I made a promise: if I were healed I would dedicate the rest of my life to helping others win this battle, and I am grateful to the life that is giving me the opportunity to honor it today.

During my journey I learned the art of yoga, harmonic singing, circular breathing and other energetic practices that today I share with those who are looking for a more integral well-being.

In 2022 I started a qi gong teacher training, because you never stop learning and I like to deepen everything I’m passionate about.

I graduated in sociology at La Sapienza of Rome and before I dedicate myself full time to the spiritual path I worked as web designer/ developer at major IT consulting agencies.

Sambuddha e Shankara - musicoteraphy, voicing, sound baths

Shankara – Roberta

I was born in Busto Arsizio in 1974 and since my university years, driven by a deep dissatisfaction that was leading me to fall into forms of anorexia and depression, I begin the search for practices of meditation and personal growth.

In 2006 I finished my training in psychodynamic music therapy and in 2008 the Voicing trainign; I started working with minors and adults in individual and group sessions through sound, music, breath, movement and voice.

I met the plant diet in 2017 on my first trip to the Amazon with Eduard and Simona and their teachers, and since then something profound has started to transform my life, allowing me to heal ancient wounds and connect with my Essence.

Since 2022 he has been working with Sama Rao together with his companion Sambuddha (Graziano) to offer the possibility of experiencing the Plant Diet retreats in Italy, along with voicing, meditation and qi gong practices.

Sambuddha e Shankara - musicoteraphy, voicing, sound baths
Giorgia and Fabio sorcerer's apprentices
Giorgia and Fabio sorcerer's apprentices

Giorgia Narayana and Fabio

Giorgia and Fabio are our sorcerer apprentices 🙂
Both have participated in diet retreats since the early days and found in this practice a valuable support for their spiritual journey that had already begun earlier.

Giorgia aveva intrapreso studi di Reiki ( Shamanic seems to you the best definition), the practice of Buddhism by Nichiren Daishonin and the voicing of Shankara a few years before being involved in the nascent Sama Rao in 2022. The impetus for this research was born from a deep sense of existential discomfort and the need to cure a severe dermatitis. Having lived for a year and a half in the center Sammasati, his story has intertwined with that of Fabio, who also found himself to spend several months in the center as a dietero.

Fabio lived in the city and worked as an employee but was aware that this lifestyle was not his true vocation. Psychology and other personal growth practices were the basis for looking within, but it was the teachings of plants to clarify his vision, diet after diet.

Both took part in a trip to Peru in 2023 to deepen the tradition of diet at origin and it was here that they felt they accepted together the call to apprenticeship. Since 2024 they are part of the team that supports diet retreats, continuing their curanderismo apprenticeship.

This path is certainly impetuous as all true paths, requires willpower and sacrifice and, like every main road, gives in exchange immeasurable gifts. We believe that the best way to describe what happens diet after diet is to say that it is like stripping away what does not belong to us and getting closer to ourselves; not an idea of us, not an idyllic image but our authentic essence.
In the eyes of those who eat a long diet, the millenary wisdom of plants and the spontaneity of children are mixed.

Fabio e Giorgia

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