Next retreat: 30 october - 6 november

Seven days to learn or deepen this practice, which allows you to get in touch with the spirit of plants and receive from them care and teaching.

Come and discover master plants dieta

aSeven days to feel and sense Master Plannts,at the end you can decide wether to close or prolongue the diet.

Seven days in which we will be guests in a cozy country house, the newborn APS Sammasati, on the wooded hills of the Taro valley, in the shade of centuries-old oaks pampered by the owners of the house.

Seven days in which we will alternate moments of silence and introspection to energetic cleaning, accompanied by the cleaning of the mapacho (the sacred tobacco), the icaros and the sound of the drum.


Day 1: Evening introductory circle

day 2: we get to know each other and choose the plant to diet

Day 3/6: Day practice of alignment/energetic cleaning, night ceremonies of shamanic drum or gong bath

day 7: sharing circle and diet closing*


Individual counselling

During all the time everyone will have the opportunity to conduct private interviews, to clarify their doubts and receive personalized support.


Throughout the days, we will alternate between social moments and periods where we will be invited to spend time alone. Isolation and introspection are the cornerstones of the diet.

Energetic purification

Through the shamanic drum ceremony, the singing of the icaros and the ritual use of mapacho (sacred tobacco) and agua florida, we will favor a deep energetic cleansing.

Singing circles

We will learn how to connect with the spirit of the plants, also through the medicine songs circles, a joyful occasion to demonstrate our gratitude to the plant kingdom.

What to expect?

Seven days are not enough time to complete a diet, but they are sufficient to establish a connection with the plant and to perform a decent cleansing of our energetic system.

This mini-retreat is designed for those who want to approach this practice but do not know if they can commit for as long as necessary. At the end of the seven days, you can decide whether to continue once you return home.

How long does a dieta last?

An optimal minimum period, for the plant to carry out its work, is fifteen days. The seven days of the retreat are like a launching pad; even limiting oneself to just seven days can help to center oneself and plant a seed for the future.

Why a 7 days retreat?

Aware of the constraints imposed by our society but eager to offer this opportunity to as many people as possible, a standard weekend of three days was truly too short, while fifteen days could be too long. Seven days seemed like an appropriate amount of time to us.

Which plant will we diet?

The plant to eat is different for everyone. During the first day we will deepen the acquaintance with each participant thus intuiting the best plant for him. We can offer Piñon (colorado or blanco), Bobinzana, Chiric sanango, Wayra caspi, Albahaca, Uña de gato and many more…

Can I diet a plant of my choice?

If you are already experienced in the practice and wish to participate to open a personalized diet with a plant of your choice, write to us and we will discuss together to see if it’s possible.

What will we eat during the retreat?

From the moment we start taking the plant, we will not consume salt, sugar, spices, alcohol, red meat, dairy products, or various seasonings. Our diet will be mainly based on rice, chicken, eggs, green apples, bananas, oat milk. It is possible to adapt the menu for vegetarians and vegans.

How much does it cost to participate in a retreat?

We offer these retreats as part of our cultural promotion association, Sammasati APS. Membership is required to access the retreat. The cost of the membership card is 15€ per year, plus a contribution to cover the management costs of the venue and reimbursements for holistic practitioners who impart their teachings. Typically, the total cost does not exceed a few hundred euros, so don’t let the financial aspect discourage you. Please ask for more information if needed.

Master plants dieta

It is important to point out that in the practice of diet the plants used have nothing psychotropic.
Although at the center of traditional Amazonian medicine are present very famous psychotropic plants, to which is usually reserved the name of “Masters”, the same shipibo curanderos unambiguously affirm that the true Master Plants are those who eat, Medicinal medicines, those which give the cure and the power to pass on the cure to others.

This point is not made to diminish the importance of the commonly called Master Plants, we are convinced supporter of their sacred importance. But we are also convinced advocates of the importance of bringing ordinary, ordinary state of consciousness back to the core of spiritual practice.

Individual consulting

The process of the diet is very delicate and individual. Although much depends on the sensitivity of each, it is likely that from the very beginning the person will be experiencing some strong and new inner processes.
That’s why it is extremely important to always have someone available with whom you can share and who knows

how to correctly interpret and address the “dietero“. During the seven days of the retreat when there are no common activities, it will be possible to have personalized advice. It will be possible to work with the Voicing or with shamanic instruments, depending on our personal inclination.

Fabio plays shamanic drums

Siberian shamanic drum

Eduard learned the art of the shamanic drum by spontaneously connecting with the tradition of his homeland, when the worlds of spirit opened.
The sound of its drum is powerful and it heals, cleans and directs the diet.

The shamanic drum collective ceremony is the highlight of the experience of the mini-retreat, during which the sound of the drum and the song of the icaros “activate” the medicine of the plant that we are dieting and promote the introspective processes.

Mapacho and agua florida

Among the favorite tools of Amazonian shamans is the mapacho (Nicotiana rustica), a particular type of tobacco that is used for ritual and healing purposes.

During our diet we will use tobacco to communicate with the spirit of the plant and present the diet, as well as to clean it and to direct its processes.

Eduard purification drum

Closing singing circle of the 2023 Easter diet mini-retreat. Thanks to all dieteros for the beautiful energy and participation!

Medicine Singing and Voicing

Singing is good for the soul, and singing to the plants is good for the diet.
In the Shipibo tradition, many operative acts of healing and magic are performed with singing.

Learning the art of enchanting one’s world is one of the gifts that very often makes the diet. We will open the voice singing together the songs of the contemporary shamanic tradition.

Qi Gong

Since ancient times in the East, energetic cleansing techniques have been developed that skilfully combined physical exercise and breathing.

Among these we chose to bring Qi Gong in our path because it is the most complete and harmonious, and it is also the least problematic from the point of view of physical effort.

Ask for more info

The Master Plant diet is a new practice in today’s holistic and spiritual landscape. So do not hesitate to ask us whatever you have in mind, we will understand together if this is an experience that can make for you.

Fill the form


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