Master plants diet

Discipline, Commitment, Learning and Healing


The diet of master plants is a practice of energetic-spirtual reconnection with the spirits of the plant kingdom. Re-establishing this bond brings numerous benefits, both for health and for the general body-mind-spirit balance.


Wise Plant Diet is normally conducted in isolation, following a restricted diet as well as other behavioral rules.


Consistently following the rules of the Diet, for periods of time even quite prolonged, requires and develops a healthy discipline of the body and mind


Discipline is accompanied by commitment, with which we recognize the value both of what we are doing and of the plant, which is the object of our Diet

Learning and healing

From the combination of all these factors springs the care and teaching that every Wise plant is able to offer to those who approach it with this mode

An integral psycho-physical healing experience

A tradition that comes from the Amazon, preserved for centuries by masters curanderos

The diet of Master plants in the Shipibo tradition is both a practice of care and an apprenticeship. This is essentially a period of time ranging from a minimum of one week to a maximum of six months in which the The dietero observes certain dietary and behavioral restrictions while intaking the Master Plant that is the focus of the diet.

In this way the spirit of the plant comes in contact with the energetic and physical body of the patient/apprentice, granting him the care and/or teaching he needs.

In the picture: a typical dieta recipe adapted to our needs: pasta zucchini and egg, without salt, without oil, but very good 🙂
pasta zucchini egg diet

The general rule to follow for food during the diet period is that the food must not have flavor, it must not be inviting, you must Eat for your own sustenance and not for taste.

The rules generally recommended by all curanderos involve the absence of salt, sugar, alcohol, sex, and other medicinal preparations, including herbal ones. 

However, in detail, the rules can vary greatly because each curandero has their own specific diet, and the dieter must eat the same food that their master eats.

The importance of the master who connects the dietero with the energy of the plant should not be underestimated, sometimes it is more important the energy infused by the maestro rather than the ingestion of the plant itself.

The plants used in the diet can be very diverse, ranging from the large trees (palos) of the jungle to our native plants, which are already used in our herbal tradition. Each plant makes its own particular contributio   to our growth and our psycho-physical and spiritual healing.

ritiro di dieta di ottobre

Prossimo ritiro:

30 ottobre -6 Novembre

Vieni a scoprire la dieta di Piante Maestre

Durante i nostri ritiri di dieta svolgeremo diverse pratiche di pulizia energetica per preparare il corpo a ricevere l'energia della pianta. Tra le attività previste ci sono:

- cerimonie di tamburo sciamanico
- pratica di qi gong e ginnastica dolce
- sessioni di voicing e cerchi di canti medicina
- bagni di gong
- meditazione
- massaggi sciamanici con profumi
- trance dance
- workshop sull'uso del mapacho (tabacco sacro)
- passeggiate nel bosco

Per maggiori info chiama Shankara: 349 445 8990
oppure Simona: 333 344  3743

How to understand
if the diet is that
What is it for me?

The Master Plant Diet is suitable for everyone; the world of nature is our spiritual home. Plants are our greatest allies; they have been there for centuries, waiting for their “younger siblings” to remember them, as it once was…

You feel that life in the city stifles you
You recognize that in the city environment there is a heavy energy; as soon as you immerse yourself in a forest or an open field, you begin to breathe and feel at peace with yourself.
You have already experienced other types of energy work

You’ve worked with energy before. Hai frequentato corsi di Reiki, Pranic Healing e yoga, hai costruito un tamburo sciamanico, e sei interessato alla cristalloterapia e ad altre discipline olistiche…

You belive plants have a conscience
You are deeply convinced that everything has a soul, that the light of spirit shines within everything, and that humans have the ability to connect with other dimensions of Being..
You want to deepen your relationship with spirituality
You feel that life is not all here. You know that there is much more to life than career, family, friends at the bar, and TV games. You sense there is a deeper meaning, but perhaps you haven’t found it yet, or if you have, you’re still exploring it.
Are you looking for an alternative treatment method
Do you have a health condition you’d like to try treating with alternative methods, because you realize the interdependence of various systems—mind, body, and spirit—and that treating only the symptoms doesn’t resolve the issue at its root?

Thanks to the friend and faithful dietero Marco Terlizzi, visit his instagram, youtube and facebook channels (@quattrodirezioni), full of interesting ideas.

What is a Master Plants dieta?

In this video interview, a conversation with Marco Terlizzi, a friend and enthusiastic dietero, I explain in detail the key points of what a shamanic diet entails.

– what is the diet of master plants
– what adaptations we have made to make it usable in the West
– why it is better not to improvise
– the importance of restrictions, both food and non-food
– the recovery of the concept of sacrifice
– the connection with the plant spiritual world

Some testimonies of dieteros

A brief overview of some testimonials about the practice of the Wise Plant Diet as we conduct it at Sama Rao, our headquarters in Val di Taro (PR).

These are some of the dieteros who have come to us through various paths and have consented to provide their testimony on the experience they had and how the place that welcomed them is a fundamental element of the process.


our approach

Dieting immersed in isolation in the forest and dieting in our house in the city, in the midst of everyday bustle, is very different. For this reason the strict rules of the diet of Maestre plants, which are applied in the Shipibo tradition, have been reviewed by us and adapted to adhere to our reality. Despite this, the personal experience and the feedback we have had from people who have experienced this form of dieting, have convinced us of the goodness and effectiveness of these adaptations. The plants subject to the diet are both those of traditional medicine Shipibo, trees, shrubs and preparations of the Amazon flora, that those native to our ecosystem. Learning the art of dieting, besides being a valuable aid in safeguarding our health, helps us connect with our surrounding environment. It fosters a renewed and revitalized concept of ecology, where the plant kingdom is not something inert to protect and preserve, but a world infused with sentient beings that can become our best allies in our endeavor to live our best lives in this earthly dimension.

How it works

First meeting to open the diet

In order to identify the best plant resource to be fed in each individual case, and to be able to best transmit the connection with the energy of the plant to the dietero, it is necessary to see each other in person at least once before starting the diet.

Remote monitoring of the diet

During the actual diet itself, the dietero will be self-managing, which means they will cook their own meals and regulate themselves to follow the rules. However, we will always be available to provide advice, listen, guide, and perform energetic cleansing if necessary.

Second meeting to close the diet

The second necessary in-person meeting is to close the diet. Technically to quit the diet is enough to gradually start eating as before, but it is advisable to receive a protective treatment (arkana) before returning to life as always.

Some Master Plants examples

Piñon blanco

Wonderful master of light and cleanliness, Piñon blanco (Jatropha curcas) is one of the favorite plants of many curanderi of the Peruvian Amazon. 

piñon blanco
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An evergreen shrub that also thrives in arid and depleted soils, the spirit of Piñon Blanco shines with infinite brightness, teaching with kindness and gentleness. Yet, its strength in cleansing remains uncompromised by its gentle ways. Gently flips you upside down. Highly recommended for those working on their mental state, it can in a few days free one from obsessive and compulsive thoughts. Suitable for those with addiction problems and delusions. From a medicinal standpoint, the resin is used as a disinfectant in folk medicine, and its nuts serve as a purgative.

Piñon colorado

In Peru, in the regions of the forest, each house is surrounded by bushes of Piñon colorado (Jatropha gossypifolia), considered a valuable ally to keep away evil spirits. This property is also linked to its role as a Wise plant.

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There is no curandero in Peru that has not dieted the Piñon colorado. His ability to drive out the dark energies makes him an indispensable ally in an environment, that of Amazonian curanderism, full of internal fights between shamans who compete for power to the sound of magic formulas. From a medicinal standpoint, it is an excellent purgative used to detoxify the entire body, while its resin is used as a disinfectant. His teaching is very direct and strong.


The Bobinzana (Callilandra angustifolia) is perhaps one of the most famous plants among those used in traditional Amazonian medicine. Her celebrity is certainly well deserved, being the Bobinzana a very strong and sweet spirit at the same time.

Bobinzana master plant
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Considered a plant that strengthens both body and spirit, praised for its ability to withstand even the most violent floods caused by the torrential rains of the Amazon rainforest, bobinzana is regarded as the quintessential medicinal plant. Its wood is one of the hardest in the world, and its spirit and teachings reflect this solidity. Martial for some, tender and maternal for others, it certainly works on opening the heart and emotional states. Medicinally, it is prescribed for issues related to the blood and circulatory system.


The albahaca (Ocimum sp.) is a close relative of our basil, but even better than the Indian indian Tulsi, already known in the ayuervedic pharmacopoeia as a plant remedy and sacred plant.

albacha master plant
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The Albahaca diet is considered a great cure-all for the mind and energy cleansing in general. Prescribed as the first ever diet of those who start an apprenticeship, the diet and isolation to be kept with this plant do not need to be too narrow. Among its medicinal benefits, we note its healing action on the entire digestive and excretory system, as well as its calming effect on menstrual and pre-menstrual pains. On an energetic-psychic level, there is an improvement in intellectual faculties and a general relaxation both physically and emotionally.

Uña de gato

The Uña de gato (Uncaria tomentosa) is a liana with imposing dimensions living in the equatorial regions of the Amazon, and owes its name to the hooks shaped like a cat’s claw with which it clings to the other plants.

albacha master plant
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A plant with countless properties, Uña de gato has become so famous in Western herbal medicine that there is hardly a manufacturer of herbal products without a preparation based on this plant. Recommended for all types of inflammation (especially those affecting the musculoskeletal system), to strengthen the immune system, to purify the blood, and according to some, even to combat cancer, Uña de gato energetically embodies a spirit with extraordinary vitality belonging to the so-called “Warmi World,” which is the same realm as mermaids. A plant with strong enchanting power, which grants those who diet with it the ability to impose their charisma and captivate their interlocutors.

Chiric sanango

Chiric Sanango (Brunsfelsia grandiflora) is a very potent and also dangerous wise plant. If not administered in appropriate doses, it can also be fatal. Its medicinal effect manifests at the level of the bones.

albacha master plant
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Emotionally, Chiric Sanango is known to work with the deepest and most remote traumas. Very often during a diet of Chiric sanango back to mind removed traumas or atavistic fears, one works on family and generational karma, trespassing in past lives. It is definitely a diet that cannot be undertaken by a novice and requires constant assistance from the shaman in charge of the diet. The restrictions must be followed with much responsibility and rigidity, his spirit is very strong and demanding.

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